40 Great New Year Resolutions for Kids

A new year is always a great excuse to develop better habits. For kids, this is a wonderful opportunity to enforce better choices and healthier living all year long. When parents are actively involved in tracking progress with their children, then the likelihood of success is drastically increased. 

Children Making List Of Chores On Whiteboard At Home

We put together a list of great new year resolution ideas you can consider doing with your kids. We also recommend creating a visual chart that will allow you to update and track progress towards your goals. This chart can be pretty simple. You can make a calendar on a poster board and use stickers to track successful days. Here are some ideas to get you started. 

  1. I will clean up my room at least once a week. 
  2. I will exercise or play a sport for 30 mins every day. 
  3. I will give new foods a try because we never know until we try.
  4. I will use please and thank you when asking for things.
  5. I will read a book every day. (We recommend Beware Books)
  6. I will do my homework before anything else as soon as I get home. 
Teenage girl (13-15 years) doing homework
  1. I will reduce how much soda I drink and increase how much water I drink. 
  2. I will watch less T.V. or online videos. 
  3. I will do chores without any fuss. 
  4. I will assist my parents with cooking at least twice a week. 
  5. I will eat vegetables because they are good for me. 
  6. I will share more with my siblings.
  7. I will be nicer to my brother and sister. 
  8. I will clean up after I am done playing with my toys. 
  9. I will brush my teeth twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night.
  10. I will put out the pet food without being asked.
  11. I will play outside if the weather is nice.
  12. I will put my dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket instead of on the floor.
  13. Every week I’m going to do one random act of kindness.
  14. Every week I will talk to someone new at school that I have never met before.
  15. I will help set the table for dinner every day. 
  16. I will help with cleaning dishes at least once a week.
  17. We will have a family game night once a week.
  18. We will start recycling regularly at home.
  19. I will help clean the yard every week.
  20. I will learn how to play an instrument.
  21. I will learn how to make a meal I can share with my siblings. 
  22. I will start a journal to write out my feelings and thoughts every day.
  23. I will learn how to draw my favorite character.
  24. I will ride my bike at least once a week. 
  25. I will give at least one compliment to a different person every week at school.
  26. This year I will take the time to learn my family history.
  27. I will always wear a helmet when riding my bike or scooter. 
  28. I will be friendly to a kid at school who has trouble fitting in and invite them to an activity.
  29. I will help conserve water by reducing my shower time to only 5 mins.
  30. I will start a piggy bank and save money. 
  31. I will eat two pieces of fruit every day. 
  32. I will choose toys I don’t play with anymore to donate to the less fortunate.
  33. I will create a vision board with my family showing things I like or want to be.
  34. I will wash my hands before eating and after going to the restroom.
Kid helping house chores

We hope this list has started giving you new ideas. Feel free to take them and modify them for your family. This is an excellent way to introduce goal setting to your kids. And when they see your involvement as a parent, then they will be even more motivated to keep their resolution.